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happy 11th! hope your delivery goes smoothly. take care!


Totally enjoyed your wedding photos; especially the "staged" Japanese-style ones! How beautiful you look! And how distinguished Hideaki is! :)


Happy anniversary! My kids are big now but I totally remember that feeling of just wanting to get the pregnancy over with. Best of luck with the delivery.


Happy anniversary! Wow, your wedding photos are beautiful. The traditional studio photos are gorgeous, too! May your birth experience be easy and joyful. :)


Happy Anniversary! That is a marvelous wedding gown!


With fish names it's sometimes really difficult to determine what fish is being referred to, where. Sawara, or "Spanish Mackerel" (Scomberomorus maculatus) doesn't rank high in mercury, but it's sometimes confused with King Mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla), which Wikipedia notes is high in mercury.

The problem is, you never really know what fish you're buying in the grocery store, fishsellers can be pretty cavalier with names when it comes to marketing fish.


Just wanted to mention how much I enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing all the lovely food and cultural experiences. I am a huge Japan lover, I've been a couple of times and miss it like crazy all the time. Your blog gives these awesome glimpses of how the life in Japan is... And then there is the food :)

Happy anniversary and best of luck with the baby!


First time at your blog. It is great showing the different perspectives of lives. I wish you a smooth pregnancy and delivery.


Your blog is great! Just found it a couple of days ago and I'm really enjoying all of your posts. Especially your food posts & posts about pregnancy in Japan.

I have a question--I wonder if you could post (in the comments or whatever) the link to the Japanese government's mercury guidelines, or send me an e-mail. I read Japanese, but I've had trouble finding these guidelines with a google search.

Also--I've seen "sawara" translated as Spanish mackerel, which is rated differently in the American guidelines than king mackerel. For whatever that's worth...


JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE de mariage!Vous etes trés beaux tous les 2 et on voit combien vous vous aimez....J'ai déjà gouté les haricots verts qu'il y a sur la 2eme photo...DELICIEUX!!!

Yuki Gomi


I love to cook Oyakodon as it is a real home-style Japanese dish. I run Japanese Cooking Lessons here in London, please have a look and keep in touch!


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